Glens Falls Symphony : Behind the Scenes - A Night of Humor

The Glens Falls Symphony Presents: "Behind the Scenes- A Night of Humor, Music and Singing" Featuring Soprano Francesca Mehrotra

Thursday, May 2 | 7 PM.

Tickets: $15 in advance, $20 Day of Concert

For more information on the Glens Falls Symphony, please visit their website: HERE

For advance price tickets, please visit the link below. This event is a Glens Falls Symphony event.

The Glens Falls Symphony presents a special program with a look behind the scenes of the multi-media, multilingual, multi-medium art form that is opera. In this interactive performance, Ms. Mehrotra will sing favorites of both classic opera and contemporary popular music, and talk with Glens Falls Symphony's own Charles Peltz about the many adventures in the life of a professional opera singer. Enjoy music by Adele, Handel, Johann Strauss, Tom Cipulla, Mozart, Leonard Bernstein, Richard Stauss, and George Gershwin. 

You will not want to miss this amazing evening in the Adirondacks!

This event is sponsored by The New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


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